Team Members
Bonneville, Kelley
Scroggins, Lee
The purpose of this app would be to allow a user to layer midi sound files to create
his or her own music and to collaborate with friends.
The user will be able to choose from a sound bank of instruments such as drums or keyboard to create music using the touch screen of
the device. The app will allow the user to add instruments to the recording timeline using drag and drop to a time grid. Future releases
will allow users to record audio.
Intended users
As a songwriter, I want to use the built-in instrument library and free record function of this app so that I can quickly record a melody or harmony for future use.
As a musician, I want to use the screen tap and record function so that I can tap out the groovy beats in my head.
Client component
- The app will display a time grid that will accept input sounds for playback. The time grid will be 4/4 time signature.
- The user will have a top menu that will expand into buttons for New/recall, instrument library.
- The user will select a new project and new tracks from the New button.
- The user will select the first instrument from the instrument select menu.
- The user will be able to layer new tracks with the option to record a new instrument.
- The app will have a playback button to play back all tracks, or the tracks selected by the user to play.
Persistent data
- Instruments files.
- Sound banks/libraries.
Device/external services
- Internet for data transfer.
Server component
- Hosting saved song files.
- Sharing custom sound libraries.
- Uploading MIDI/Wav files.
- Sample MIDI/Wav sounds.
- User can upload files to server/cloud. Those with proper credentials can access, comment, or add to the project.
Persistent data
- Sound sample files.
- Downloaded files.
- Unique user Ids.
- Saved user data.
External services
- Internet for data transfer.
- Google Authenticator for client & server.
OpenID Connect OpenID Connect API
- The app will create a Token and then send an Authentication request to Google. The Token will obtain user info from the ID token.
When the user attempts to access the app, if the user already exists access will be granted. If the user does not exist, the app will redirect the user to the new sign-up flow.
If service is not available, the user will be unable to verify identity and access will not be granted to the app.
Stretch goals/possible enhancements
- Time Signatures/tempos.
- Will incorporate MIDI sound file support.
- Microphone access for custom recordings.
- Instrument quick key selection.
- Effects layering such as reverb, delay.
- Master track effects such as compression and EQ.
- To support future audio recording: Microphone Media Recorder API