Sound Doodle: Overview

Project description and status

Team Members


The purpose of this app would be to allow a user to layer midi sound files to create his or her own music and to collaborate with friends.

The user will be able to choose from a sound bank of instruments such as drums or keyboard to create music using the touch screen of the device. The app will allow the user to add instruments to the recording timeline using drag and drop to a time grid. Future releases will allow users to record audio.

Intended users

As a songwriter, I want to use the built-in instrument library and free record function of this app so that I can quickly record a melody or harmony for future use.

As a musician, I want to use the screen tap and record function so that I can tap out the groovy beats in my head.

Client component


Persistent data

Device/external services

Server component


Persistent data

External services

Stretch goals/possible enhancements